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Do You Know What To Do When Your Dog Is Choking?

Cause(s): Not adequately chewing food before swallowing, or swallowing a foreign object such as a toy

Action Steps

Recognize warnng signs of choking: Pets that are choking may make wheezing sounds when breathing, and may paw at their mouth and pace anxiously.

If your dog is conscious:

  1. Sweep the mouth. Take care not to get bitten, try to sweep the mouth with your little finger to dislodge the object. Be careful not to force an object further down the throat.
  2. Let gravity do the work. Hold small pets upside down and try to dislodge the object. Lift the hind legs of a larger animal. Sweep the mouth.
  3. Use the Heimlich maneuver. Stand or kneel behind your pet and place one fist just below the rib cage. "Hug" your pet by placing the other hand over your fist. Squeeze sharply in and up four or five times to help force air upward from its lungs to dislodge the object. Sweep the mouth
  4. Use back blows. Using the heel of your hand, deliver four or five sharp blows between the shoulder blades to help dislodge the object. Sweep the mouth.


If your dog is unconscious:

  1. Lay your dog on its side and sweep the mouth.
  2. Place your hands directly over the rib cage and give four or five sharp thrusts to force air (and hopefully the object) out.
  3. Check for breathing and a pulse ( roll your dog onto its right side. Bend the front left leg, drawing the elbow back until it touches the chest. Place either your hand or a stethoscope over this spot. Count heartbeats while looking at the second hand of your watch. Count for 60 seconds. Alternately, count for 6 seconds and add a zero) and perform CPR as needed. It is more important to get air in than to get the object out.


Take your dog to a veterinarian. Even if you get the object out, your dog's throat may have been damaged and it is a good idea to have your dog checked by your veterinarian.

CAUTION:When you sweep the mouth, use extreme caution to avoid being bitten. Also, be sure you do not force an object further down he throat.


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