News And Announcements

Entries in dog care (3)


Emergency Preparedness For Dog Owners, Are You Prepared?

No one thinks it will ever happen to them, a fire, a flood, or some other catastrophic event that could leave you and your family without the the necessities for survival. By now we have all seen or heard about the importance of emergency preparedness, and how it is a comforting measure to have an emergency preparedness kit. This kit contains the bare essentials, the few items which are necessary to survive the period between the onset of an emergency and the time where more help is available. The people at have put together a list of items that would be necessary for your dog to survive if you were ever faced with this type of life changing event.

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One Of The Most Common Health Problems For Pets

Just like people, animals have allergic reactions because their immune system--the system that protects the body from foreign and potentially infectious substances--overreacts to some material. Almost anything--pollen, dust, an ingredient in pet food, a household chemical, an insect bite--can set off an alarm in the immune system, causing it to pump out large amounts of white blood cells, hormones, and other material called histamines into the bloodstream

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The Dog Days Of Summer Are Approaching, Would You Know If Your Dog Is Having A Heat Related Emergency? 

a couple of heat related emergencies that all dog owners (ESPECIALLY those involved in high activity dog sports) should be aware of. Remember after initial care has been provided in case of an emergency you MUST contact your veterinarian for advice on further treatment.

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